
The Little Prince

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114,00 TL 74,10 TL
Ürün Kodu: 9786057315908
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First publishcd in 1943, The Little Prince is thc most famous work of French aristocrat, writcr, poet, and pionccring aviator Antoinc dc Saint-Exupery. As a novclla. The Little Princc is thc fourth most-translatcd book in thc world and was voted thc best book of thc 20th century in Francc.The novclla is a poctic tale, vvith watcrcolour illustrations by thc author, in which a pilot stranded in thc desert mccts a young princc fallcn to Earth from a tiny asteroid namcd B-612.The book ineludes some criticism from a child’s eye on thc strangeness of thc adult world whilc tclling thc little princc’s advcnturcs. The princc has sincc visited six otlıcr asteroids, cach of which was inhabited by a single, irrational. narrow-mindcd adult. Thcy inelude: a king vvith no subjccts: a vain man who bclicvcs himself thc most admirable person on his othcrvvisc uninhabitcd planet; a drunkard who drinks to forget thc shamc of bcing a drunkard: a businessman who is blind to thc bcauty of thc stars and instead cndlcssly counts them in order to o\vn them ali; a lamplightcr who wastes his life blindly follo\ving orders and cxtinguishing and rclighting a lamp oncc a minute; and an eldcrly geographer. His last stop is Earth wherc thc prince thinks is uninhabitcd becausc he fırst lands in a desert. Than thc little princc’s rcassurancc to thc pilot takes placc, but soon he goes a\vay from him by leaving his disappointments as well.Tanıtım MetniTanıtım Metni
The Little Prince The Little Prince 9786057315908 The Little Prince